At Skoltech we contribute both to the technological development of our AI developments and promote the concepts of a scientific approach to the regulation
of AI and end-to-end technologies on the international level.
The technosphere and the noosphere have reached a new level
of complexity: the nonlinearity of the environmental development makes it very difficult to predict changes. Though the AI is still rather weak, tech-savvy experts say it can be used as an important element of control in many areas, including education. Due to these discussions, AI is becoming less and less as a black box.
AI & MM Strategy
The key principles of our Skoltech Artificial Intelligence
& Mathematical Modelling Strategy established the new direction for future Skoltech development.

"The AI based on data is a closed system that systematizes and analyzes only known data and is capable of accumulating errors. Entrusting it with grades for new knowledge is impossible. Let us recall the well-known Ptolemy system and the discovery of Nicolaus Copernicus
a few hundred years ago. In science, there are a lot of moments of contradiction between the new technologies and old ones."

Maxim Fedorov
Professor, Skoltech Vice-President for Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Modeling
features of AI technologies
While the hype created around AI technology is tremendous
and unwarranted as it is still in its early stages, but, AI has evolved
to provide specific features

  • Exponential growth. Moore's Law Compliance (number of transistors per system)
  • Difficulties in predicting the effects
  • At the turn of 2000-2010, there was a synergy of technologies. Algorithms, hardware for them and big data appeared (circa 2012 – computer vision)
AI standardization
& ethics challenges
We propose AI & end-to-end technologies-related standards to be developed for the technical and ethical needs of the national industrial communities.

Our key questions for the possible discussion include:

  • What are we dealing with?
  • How to regulate these technologies?
  • How to understand the "black box"?
  • What is the technologies attraction?
stories of our professors
Skoltech AI groups
Skoltech MSc and PhD courses on AI
Introduction to AI (lecturer Prof. Maxim Fedorov)
Reinforcement Learning (lecturer Prof. Pavel Osinenko)
Bayesian Methods of Machine Learning (lecturer Prof. Evgeny Burnaev)
...and many others
vice president
Prof. Maxim Fedorov
PhD, D.Sc.
Vice President for Artificial Intelligence & Mathematical Modelling (since 2020),
Director of the Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE).

Prof. Fedorov's AI career track:

Committee for the Ethics of AI was established under the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO with Skoltech President Prof. Alexander Kuleshov as the Chair and Prof. Maxim Fedorov the Executive Secretary

UNESCO Ad hoc expert group (AHEG UNESCO) was approved
by UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay. Prof. Maxim Fedorov became the representative of the Russian Federation for the preparation of a recommendation on the ethical aspects of artificial intelligence

Member of the Council of Europe Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence

Expert of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from the Russian side
Expert of Working Group 01 "Foundational standards" (TC 164)

Head of the working group "Trustworthiness" of the Technical Committee "Artificial Intelligence" (TC 164)

ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC42 "Artificial Intelligence" Trustworthiness Working Group Member

Member of the working group "Computational Approaches
and computational characteristics of AI systems" ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC42 "Artificial Intelligence"

Prof. Fedorov twice represented the Russian Federation at high-level international conferences on artificial intelligence - meeting
of the EU Council of Ministers in Helsinki and UNESCO conference
in Beijing. The UNESCO conference established the Beijing Consensus which is directed for the AI at the education as the important goal to 2030
Participant of the official delegation of the Russian Federation
at the meeting of the BRICS countries on supercomputer technologies in India
Сhairman of the Committee for Educational Activities under
the Skoltech Academic Council
Director of the West of Scotland Supercomputing Centre for Academia and Industry – ARCHIE-WeST, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
since 2011
Full Professor (Chair), Department of Physics, Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Group Leader, MPI MIS - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI f. Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften), Leipzig, Germany
news & events
    Digital Russia ( «Актуальные задачи международного взаимодействия по развитию и регулированию искусственного интеллекта» | М.В.Федоров, А.Г.Инатьев, А.А.Кулешов, А.В.Абрамова, Г.Б.Маршалко, 20.02.2020 г. (

    РСМД ( «Искусственный интеллект — это не терминатор и не сверхсущество с благими намерениями» | М.В.Федоров, 30.06.2020 г. (

    CDO2DAY ( / Digital Russia ( «Этические вопросы технологий искусственного интеллекта – как избежать судьбы Вавилонской башни» | М.В.Федоров, Ю.Д.Цветков, 11.11.2020 г. (, (

    РСМД ( «Этика искусственного интеллекта в деятельности ЮНЕСКО» | М.В.Федоров, Ю.Д.Цветков, 18.11.2020 г. (

    • Maxim Fedorov
      Skoltech Vice President for Mathematical Modeling and AI
    • Yury Tsvetkov
      Expert for the international regulation of AI and End-to-End technologies, Skoltech
    • Anna Zhdanova
      Projects Coordinator for Mathematical
      Modeling and AI
    phone: +7 (495) 280-1481
    address: 121205, Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Bolshoy boulevard 30 bld.1