Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Join our Skoltech community for magical and fun New Year celebration and Skoltech Secret Santa game :)

New Year Celebration
Dear colleagues and students,

We invite you to celebrate the New Year together with the Skoltech community. This year the main topic of the celebration is ✨Magic✨.

To add a touch of fairy tale to our lives, we would like to see you all in fancy dress. The costume party knows no boundaries, so let your imagination run wild!
The celebration timeline ✨
5:30-6 p.m.
The event will feature a performance by a live magician, as well as a buffet and drinks.
Gathering of guests
Skoltech Staff and Students Excellence Awards
6-6:30 p.m.
Congratulations from the president and top management
6:30-7 p.m.
December 15, main hall
7-9 p.m.
Performance by cover bands
9-11 p.m.
And by tradition, we invite you to play the Skoltech Secret Santa game.
What is the Skoltech Secret Santa game and how to play it?
The Secret Santa game is an anonymous gift exchange in which, by drawing lots, each participant receives a random number of another participant and prepares a gift for that person. You become that person's "Secret Santa" and the person who drew your number becomes your Secret Santa.

All those registered through the form below will automatically get into the anonymous draw, which will take place on December 6. Each participant will receive two numbers: One number will need to be indicated on the gift that you will give, and by the second number you will be able to find your gift under the Christmas tree on December 15. But, of course, if you want the recipient to find out who their Secret Santa is, you can indicate not only the number, but also who the gift is from :)

We will send a separate email to everyone registered with detailed instructions, where we will explain how to find out the numbers on December 6.

After that, you will need to prepare a gift and indicate the number or your buddy's name on the gift. You can also sign who this gift is from, but this is optional. How much you spend on the gift is entirely up to you. Bring the gift to the campus on December 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., to the Stevenson Meeting Room. It will serve as a storehouse for gifts :)

Everyone who takes part in the game will find their gifts under the Christmas tree on December 15.
Dec. 4

Dec. 6

Draw (online)
Dec. 15,
4-5:30 p.m.

Skoltech Secret Santa game
main hall
Registration for the Secret Santa is closed.
❗️ Please note that if you just want to come to the celebration and do not plan to take part in the game – you do not need to register.