Internal Communication Survey
At Skoltech, we continually strive to enhance our internal communications and create engaging events that foster collaboration and community among our employees. To ensure we are meeting your needs and expectations, we invite you to participate in a brief survey.

Your insights are invaluable in helping us understand what works well and where we can improve. Whether it’s the effectiveness of our communication channels or the types of events you’d like to see more of, your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping future initiatives.
Which of the following internal communication channels do you read?
Evaluate the effectiveness of Skoltech weekly digest
Very poor
Evaluate the effectiveness of We are Skoltech monthly digest
Very poor
Evaluate the effectiveness of email communications
Very poor
Evaluate the effectiveness of We are Skoltech Telegram channel
Very poor
What information is of your interest / important for you to see within internal communication channels?
How do you evaluate the quality and quantity of information you receive through communication channels?
Very bad
More than enough
In which internal events have you participated?
Rate the Walk & Talk
Very bad
Rate the Career Compass for Skoltech employees kids
Very bad
Rate the Yoga for employees (Wednesdays and Thursdays in Cohort)
Very bad
Rate the Skoltech Talks and Tours
Very bad
Rate the Feed on Knowledge
Very bad
Rate the Monday People
Very bad
Rate the bRUnch
Very bad
Rate the Dokole
Very bad
Rate the Skoltech Handmade
Very bad
Rate the Health Days on campus (neurologist, ophthalmologist etc.)
Very bad
Rate the Osenny Grom Relay
Very bad
Rate the Skoltech Pacers Challenge
Very bad
Rate the Skoltech Birthday
Very bad
Have you had the opportunity to meet previously unknown colleagues and learn about their areas of responsibility through communication channels and events?
Not at all
What do you think of the current state of internal communications at Skoltech?
How do you assess your awareness of the Skoltech brand?
institutes achievements, research, awards, etc.
I know nothing
I know everything
Do you share Skoltech's achievements with others?
Do you feel a sense of connection to the results of Skoltech's activities?
Not at all
How do you evaluate your knowledge of internal processes and structural units at Skoltech?
I know nothing
I know everything
Rate the atmosphere at Skoltech
Do you feel that you are a part of the Skoltech community?
Not at all
Would you recommend others become part of the Skoltech team?
No way
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